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Top Influences (Social, Press & Podcast) for the Ski Audience in Q1 2024

May 16, 2024

The Purpose of This Research

To identify the most influential online entities (social creators, podcasts, and press) for the Ski audience by:

  1. Analyzing performance metrics (views and followings)
  2. Assessing relevance of creator content to the Ski industry
  3. Monitoring growth rates to find Hidden Gems & Rising Stars

Social Entities are Split Into Four Categories

  1. Biggest: These creators have very high social followings and video views, so they reach a large portion of the audience. That said, they may not generate exceptional engagement.
  1. Most Effective: These creators reach a large portion of the audience and generate tons of engagements & views
  1. Hidden Gems: Creators with a solid following, reach, and engagement with the audience, but are small enough that they probably haven’t gone mainstream yet.
  1. Rising Stars: These creators are Hidden Gems that are growing in popularity very quickly.

Biggest Social Creators for the Ski Audience

“Biggest” = Highest social following and video views. In other words the account reaches a large portion of the audience, but may not generate exceptional engagement.

Most Effective Social Creators for the Ski Audience

“Most Effective” = Highest scores for “Video Reach vs Audience Size”. In other words, these accounts reach a large portion of the audience in comparison to the creators size.

Rising Star Social Creators for the Ski Audience

“Rising Star” = Highest growth in social followers YoY

Hidden Gem Social Creators for the Ski Audience

“Hidden Gem” = Highest scoring accounts when combining “Video Views” and “Video Reach vs. Audience Size”, but has low social following.

Top Podcasts for the Ski Audience

“Top” = The podcasts that most effectively reach the audience, based on the Percent of Audience reached and Listeners Per Episode.

Hidden Gem Podcasts for the Ski Audience

“Top” = The podcasts that most effectively reach the audience, based on the Percent of Audience reached and Listeners Per Episode.

Top Press & Media for the Ski Audience

Reach score = Reach & engagement relative to audience size. In aggregate across all platforms. 12 mo. avg.

Hidden Gem Press & Media for the Ski Audience

Reach score = Reach & engagement relative to audience size. In aggregate across all platforms. 12 mo. avg.

Top Websites for the Ski Audience

New v.s. Returning Score measures website stickiness.. 12 mo. avg.

Hidden Gem Websites for the Ski Audience

New v.s. Returning Score measures website stickiness.. 12 mo. avg.

Top Email Newsletters for the Ski Audience

“Top” = The podcasts that most effectively reach the audience, based on the Percent of Audience reached and Email List Size..

What is the Reach vs Audience Size metric?

A simple reach score that places:

  1. The video views or engagements a creator generates against;
  2. Their audience size

To identify a creator’s impact with their audience.

*Reach score = Video views relative to audience size. Social followers in aggregate across all platforms.

*Listens per episode is cumulative across all major podcast platforms.

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