Personalizing Video Ad Creative to Drive Traffic
Key Takeaways
Tailor Ads to Specific Audiences: Customize the text, image/video, and sound to create personalized messaging for different target audiences. Personalized ads are likely to have stronger ad recall compared to generic creatives with the same messaging for all consumers.
Streamline Creative Processes by Using Tools like Director Mix or Smartly: Consider using ad optimization tools that can generate thousands of ad variations from one generic ad. These tools can also track performance across all the different ad variations allowing you to determine the top performing audiences and creative versions.
Placement Targeting: Create a custom list of specific YouTube videos or creators (i.e: gameplay videos) that align with the interests of your target audiences (i.e: gaming audience) to run personalized advertising.
For the launch of the Galaxy Note10 in August 2019, Samsung saw a +35% increase in social traffic, which was driven by a +118% increase in YouTube ad spend.
Zooming into social traffic in August 2019, 50% of social traffic was generated from YouTube.
For the launch of the Galaxy Note10, Samsung created personalized YouTube ads for different target audiences rather than one generic creative for all.
YouTube Gaming Ad:
The video starts off with a title screen “The Ultimate Gameplay Guide” which is similar to the type of videos that the audience is already watching, making the ad directly targeted to a specific audience.
Creative Audience Ad:
The video starts off with a title screen “Amazing Content Ideas” which aligns with the interests of the creative audience who may be looking for inspiration on YouTube.
Samsung even customized the same generic ad for different platforms. For this Twitch ad, Samsung removed the title thumbnail as that is a feature found on YouTube.
Samsung created 36 unique personalized ads for this campaign, and was declared the media innovation winner by Google.
To make this campaign possible, Samsung used YouTube Director Mix to create unique personalized ads tailored to specific audiences.
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